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- Camps
Camps Each year, we provide hundreds of qualifying children with the opportunity to attend our overnight summer camp on the shores of Lake Huron at no cost.
For 100 years, campers have experienced joy, excitement, and adventure at St. Vincent de Paul Detroit’s camps.
Located on the shores of Lake Huron, 85 miles north of Detroit, our camps offer a wilderness adventure where kids can participate in activities like swimming, arts and crafts, sports, camp fires, and so much more at no cost to their families.
Our camps have made a lasting impact on over 128,000 children throughout southeast Michigan, helping to foster a greater sense of confidence, independence, and leadership skills—attributes that are beneficial long into adulthood.
Interested in enrolling your children for camp? Fill out our Camp Ozanam Enrollment Inquiry form and we’ll reach out to you when registration opens in early 2025.
Work at Camp
History of Camp Ozanam
2025 Camp Brochure
Volunteer at Camp
2025 Camping Programs
We offer a Traditional Camp program for children ages 8-12, Adventure Camp program for children ages 13-14, and Staff-in-Training program for former Ozanam campers ages 15-16. Check out the descriptions below for more info! Interested in enrolling a new camper in 2024? Complete our enrollment inquiry form and we’ll reach out to you with more information when registration opens!
Adventure Camp
Camp Ozanam Adventure Camp is for children ages 13 to 14. This week-long program features leadership skills and independence as campers prepare their own meals and work in a group setting. Self-esteem is enhanced by participating in team building and off-site activities, such as a overnight canoe trip, that challenge the campers to step out of their comfort zone.
Trip 1: July 7th to July 12th (girls)
Trip 2: July 14th to July 19th (girls)
Trip 3: July 21st to July 26th (boys)
Trip 4: July 28th to Aug. 2nd (boys)
Staff in Training
This one-week leadership program for campers ages 15 and 16 is for our most enthusiastic and outstanding campers that want to be on staff one day. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them to give back to camp in a special way: mentoring younger campers and participating in a camp leadership experience on a new level. Upon successful completion of the program, campers can apply to be a camp volunteer at age 16 and be a summer staff member starting at age 17.
Trip 5: Aug. 4th to Aug. 9th (co-ed)
Get Involved
Camp Rentals
Camp Stapleton and Camp Ozanam may be the perfect setting for your rental needs. We have hosted band camps, family reunions, sports camps, leadership training, retreats, receptions, youth camps, conferences – the list is long. We would love to work with you!
Now Hiring at SVdP Camps!
We are always searching for dedicated, energetic, faith-filled, friendly, and hard-working summer residential staff over ages 16 and older to be activity specialists, counselors, maintenance staff, or food service staff.
Thank You to Our Major Donors
- The Vera and Joseph Dresner Foundation
- Pulte Family Charitable Foundation
- United Way for Southeastern Michigan
- Wendell and Doris Rogers Foundation
- The James and Lynelle Holden Foundation
- Knights of Columbus St. Hubert’s Council
- Alliance Catholic Foundation
- Catholic Foundation of Michigan
- Four County Community Foundation
- … and our generous SVdP Detroit Districts and Conferences
Pedestrian Bridge RFI
Interested in providing information for our pedestrian bridge project? Check out our RFI here.
American Camp Association
Camp Ozanam is an accredited member of the American Camp Association, which is the highest governing body of camps in the United States. Visit their website to see the high standards we must comply with for accreditation at www.acacamps.org.