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06.24.2024 Safeguarding Policy
In the context of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, safeguarding involves working to ensure that in seeking to assist people in need, we are committed to do no harm to their health and wellbeing or put them at risk of abuse or neglect. This policy addresses safeguarding as it applies to children and vulnerable adults as people can be vulnerable to abuse or neglect by reason of their age, physical or mental disability or poverty and reliance on support services.
As the nature of our work means that often there is a power imbalance when we encounter a person in need. In committing to safeguarding, we are not just seeking to ensure that abuse is prevented, reported, and acted upon; we are also seeking to create safe and respectful environments.
“The protection of minors and vulnerable persons is an integral part of the Gospel message that the Church and all its members are called upon to proclaim throughout the world. Christ himself, in fact, has entrusted us with the care and protection of the weakest and defenseless: "whoever receives one child such as this in my name receive me" (Mt 18.5). Therefore, we all have the duty to welcome openheartedly minors and vulnerable persons interests as a priority. This requires a continuous and profound conversion, in which personal holiness and moral commitment come together to promote the credibility of the Gospel proclamation and to renew the educational mission of the Church” -Pope Francis Apostolic letter issued motu proprio on the protection of minors and vulnerable persons 26 March 2019
In our works of charity, we embody the following values:
- Empathy - to listen to and understand those we assist and to work together as members to support those in need.
- Simplicity and Humility - treating each other, and those we assist, as equals in a fraternal relationship.
- Justice - respecting people’s convictions and beliefs and helping them to regain their autonomy and dignity.
Safeguarding requirements:
Recruitment: SVdPD has set in place processes to ensure that risks to vulnerable people are identified and addressed. All persons must have background checks prior to commencing work as a Vincentian which is repeated every three years. Candidates for employment must have reference checks, verification of identification and background checks upon hiring, and repeated annually on the worker’s anniversary. Employees are also required to participate in “Protecting God’s Children,” a safeguarding seminar provided by the AOD.
Position Description: When advertising, promoting or documenting roles within SVdPD, it should be clear that SVdPD upholds safeguarding principles and practices and that all personnel must adhere to them.
Formation and Training: Safeguarding training will be provided to all new Vincentians and ongoing to all Vincentians through their District Council. Vincentians are required to participate in "Protecting God's Children,” a safeguarding seminar provided by the AOD. This training must be repeated every four years.
Two Adult Rule: Our Rule's "two adult rule (Rule Part III, Statute 8), serves to keep vulnerable persons safe and to protect against false/malicious allegations against Vincentians and others providing services. Whenever possible, no fewer than two Vincentians should be present during any meeting with those we serve, and a Vincentian should not be involved with a vulnerable person in the course of the Vincentian work without another adult being present. If one-on-one discussions occur, it should be conducted in an open observable environment. If a one-on-one interaction is anticipated, leadership should be notified, and appropriate safety measures taken to safeguard the vulnerable persons involved.
Reporting: All allegations of sexual abuse of minors or vulnerable adults involving members, volunteers or staff of the SVdPD will be reported to: 1) appropriate law enforcement agencies, 2) Department of Human Services (Michigan), and 3) the SVdPD Hotline number.
Visitors: Where visitors are likely to have significant contact with vulnerable persons especially over an extended time, it is recommended to conduct background checks.
Media, Audio and Visual Recordings: If any audio or visual recordings involve interviewing a neighbor in need, their privacy must be ensured by not identifying any personal information or information that would indicate where they live through verbal communication or visual images.
Any story or image that might put them at risk should not be published. Still photographs and videos must never be demeaning or disrespectful of the dignity of the persons portrayed. The gratuitous portrayal of extreme suffering is always to be avoided. Editing should maintain the integrity of the photograph and video images.
People should be adequately clothed. They should never be portrayed in poses that could be regarded as sexually suggestive, erotic, or obscene.
Expectations of our Partners and Vendors: SVdPD partner and vendor organizations must operate with effective safeguarding procedures. If SVdPD receives a safeguarding concern, the Council will alert the vendor and assist them to ascertain its obligations under local law to refer the matter to the police or other legal authorities for investigation. When appropriate, SVdPD can work with the vendor in an independent investigation, so as not to interfere with any criminal investigation.
The outcome of either investigation will impact the working relationship with the partner or vendor as to continuation of that relationship or dissolution of the contract. Vendors and Partners are expected to inform SVdPD of any safeguarding incidents that have not come to the attention of the Society.
Communicating the Safeguarding Message: An electronic copy of the SVdPD Safeguarding policy will be available to our members, volunteers, employees, and people we serve.
Copies will be provided to the general public upon request.
Visual posters, including language and imagery appropriate to children and other vulnerable persons will be displayed about the existence of this policy in our workplace and field works where possible.
Council Records will be maintained to track the process of the safeguarding policy:
- Recruitment of individuals serving in the Society
- Safeguarding concerns/disclosures and follow up action
- Recording of individuals who have breached safeguarding policy, have committed abuse, or who failed recruitment processes due to risks/issues flagged about their conduct.
- Job descriptions and postings in order to confirm that they all contain the commitment to the safeguarding policy.
Policy Review: The Safeguarding policy will be reviewed by the SVdPD Council at a minimum every three years, with new processes, changes in legislation and guidelines and practices to be incorporated in accordance with lessons learned.
*The Society of St. Vincent de Paul at the National Level has issued a Safeguarding policy. This document has incorporated their information along with the Detroit Council’s perspective to formulate a policy specific to the SVdPD Detroit Diocese.
Supplement A.
In addition to safeguarding our neighbors in need during our interactions, there will be times when our membership, employees, volunteers, or vendors may witness or encounter a vulnerable adult or minor child that is suspected or known to have been abused or neglected by another person.
For your education and information, the State of Michigan website: www.michigan.gov/mdhhs has detailed information on abuse and neglect of children and vulnerable adults. On this website, click on Adult and Children’s Services on the top, then click on abuse and neglect on the left sidebar to find the specifics of Adult and Children's Protective Services, including definitions of abuse and neglect and reporting procedures.
The State of Michigan Central Intake Number is 855-444-3911. All reports of suspected or known abuse or neglect of minors and vulnerable adults should be made to this entity as well as to local law enforcement.
Approved by AOD Board: 5.23.2022
Revised by AOD Board: 6.24.2024